The story behind...
Almost everyone knows of having collected capsules, napkins or erasers as a child, but for most of us, such a hobby eventually fades out again.
But it was - and is - not like that for Else Marie. She got her very first doll as a 1-year-old in 1953, and it was the start of a passion that has lasted her whole life, so that today she has an impressive collection of approx. 25,000 dolls.
In 2012, Else Marie and her husband Jens Orla bought the old School "Lindegårdsskole" in Solbjerg Kirkeby. The idea was that the school should be used for an exhibition of Else Marie's dolls, and with the school's location right up the A26 it was an obvious choice. Several years had to pass, however, and many hours of work before an opening became a reality.
But on June 26, 2021, the dream came true, and Dukkeskolen could finally open its doors.
Before that, Else Marie, Jens Orla and their family had taken care of the decoration and renovation of the school, so that it was suitable for exhibitions and visitors. Eg. has Jens Orla himself built the glass cases for the exhibition of over 1 km of U iron.
But perhaps it was predetermined that Else Marie lives and breathes collecting because you can safely say that she was born into it. When Else Marie was born, her mother was given a porcelain elephant by her father as a maternity gift. It was the starting point for a collection of elephants, which Else Marie took over and, of course, continued to collect after her mother's death. The collection of elephants can also be experienced at Dukkeskolen.
Else Marie has probably also passed on the collector's desire to her two sons, Brian and Allan. They also take part in the extensive exhibition at Dukkeskolen and have collected model cars over several years, so that a collection of over 1000 model cars is on display at Dukkeskolen.
However, Else Maries husband Jens Orla has also a collector's desire and has collected B&O, bicycles, mopeds and old vintage cars for several years. He has for many years bought and restored vintage cars from the German brand NSU.
All this can also be experienced at Dukkeskolen, as well as a lot of other fun, exciting and quirky effects and collections.