Adults: DKK 75.
Children: DKK 30.
Opening hours:
There is basically open
i all weekends, public holidays and school holidays
from 10 - 16
NOTE! However, it is advisable to check Dukkeskolens
Facebook page for updated opening hours.
Closing days may occur
Packed lunches:
You are very welcome to bring your own packed lunch, and it is possible to consume it both indoors and outdoors. If the weather permits, a table/bench set is set up
outside on our fenced playground.
It is possible to buy coffee and soft drinks
Note! We also have room for large companies (requires reservation )
There is also
a furnished
classroom at Dukkeskolen, so the brought along
packed lunches can be enjoyed indoors. Here you can sit at "your" old school desk and eat your packed lunch just like in school.